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Turkey Herkul Pharma Corporate Group

Medical products; Pharmacy; Medical Skincare Products

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Turkey Herkul Pharma Corporate Group - Company Introduce
It is a Pharmacist organization started with the partnership of 23 Pharmacist and currently with 4 incorporated companies made of partnership of 111 Pharmacist. 
1 – Helezon Pharmaceutical Warehouse 
Its 2010 turnover 2 million 
Its 2011 turnover 8 million 
Its 2012 turnover 12 million 
It is providing services to approximately 800 pharmacies, the products sold are drugs, perfumery, food supplements, medical and dermocosmetic products. Majority of those pharmacies are located at mainly Ankara and its counties and also at Yozgat, Kırşehir, Kayseri and Bolu provinces. At the pharmaceutical warehouse which the institutional structuring started in 2012, 49 employees are working in and serving with 22 vehicles. Now serves in a closed area of 2000 square meters. Its 2013 turnover goal is 17 million dollars. 
2 – Yunus Medical Group Inc. Co. 
Serving in an area of 750 square meters and it’s the leading company in means of stability; it... [Details]
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